Monday, August 10, 2009


The two observations hold true for Satish Kaushik, who's known for dramatic/masala entertainers and who changes gears so swiftly with TEREE SANG.

Now let's begin... First and foremost, TEREE SANG is not JUNO. The resemblance starts and ends with an adolescent getting pregnant. TEREE SANG is not KYA KEHNA either. TEREE SANG mirrors what's happening in society vividly. But, at the same time, it's not dark or disturbing, nor does it get preachy.
Satish Kaushik steps into a new territory with TEREE SANG and throws a pleasant surprise at viewers. The entire first half is so real, so identifiable and the execution of the subject is so interesting that you get instantly drawn into Kabir and Maahi's worlds. The passionate kiss that they share, which leads to a sexual encounter, is also maturely depicted on screen by the director.

But it's the second hour that's problematic. It becomes yet another version of BOBBY and LOVE STORY, with the kids eloping and the warring parents thirsting for each other's blood. These portions don't appeal primarily because too much seems to happen too soon. A roof over the head, a spacious mansion with all amenities and necessities in place, an instant job et al... all this in a matter of a few days in a new township seems so unreal.

Thankfully, the film comes on track in the penultimate portions. The moment the girl calls up her father and set things straight - from this point onwards, TEREE SANG is back on its feet. Of course, the courtroom drama could've been far more impactful
Rajat Kapoor is excellent. Neena Gupta is natural. Satish Kaushik delivers a winning performance. The viewers will love him. Sushmita Mukherjee Bundela is first-rate. Anupam Kher, in a brief role, is perfect.

On the whole, TEREE SANG has a new story tell and that is its biggest USP. At the box-office, the film may be a slow starter, but has the merits to pick up with word of mouth if the youth as also the family audiences take to it.

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